«Roland, senator roman»: Origins of the Italian Literary Romance-Epic Trope
The Entrée d’Espagne, from the first half of the fourteenth century, first presents Roland, Charlemagne’s
nephew, as Roman Senator. The source of that title derives from political usage of
that time as well as from Classical Roman tradition through literary historiography, and illustrates
aspects of a Roman Senator’s responsibilities in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. For this reason
Roland and his story appeals to the courts of Italian cities similarly structured, whose
members aspire to such a role.
nephew, as Roman Senator. The source of that title derives from political usage of
that time as well as from Classical Roman tradition through literary historiography, and illustrates
aspects of a Roman Senator’s responsibilities in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. For this reason
Roland and his story appeals to the courts of Italian cities similarly structured, whose
members aspire to such a role.
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